Shocking New Study reveals

On the “World Wide Internets” many strange rumours and so-called Urban Myths and conspiracy theories spread like a Californian wildfire during el Nino.

Recently I have discovered things even more disturbing, something more along the lines of Suburban Myths that veer into Xenobiology and Xenomorphology.

If you search further, and are diligent and dedicated trudging through the annals of research papers and delving deeper into the Deep Dark Web you may find yourselves shocked not by rumour but by apparent cutting edge research into a phenomenon that is almost anthropomorphic in nature, or as I like to call it Petromorphic…

Prepare yourselves, dear viewers and listeners, as you may not be ready for what I will reveal to you today!

If you have sensory issues, a gentle or delicate stomach or other issues, we ask that you proceed cautiously so as to protect yourself. This may be more confronting for some people than even this writing by David Foster Wallace.

Now we will start slow, as this transformative adaptation occurs slowly in the wild, and and we have heard that even close friends do not notice at first, what may be happening to the people in their lives, as they make one simple mistake that can leave them altered forever.

Gird your loins and venture forth, if you dare!

OK, that was just a test to see how not shocked you are!

So was that!

And that… but that is topical..

Still coping?


Wow, ur a glutton for punishment, aren’t you?

Do you have self-masochistic tendencies?

If so, I recommend you speak to someone… even me!

OMG, are we tiered of this guy yet or what!?

Now it is going to get a little Hairier, and fewer clothes!

OK, I gave you a break first… Phewww deep breaths, calm yourself, yoga breathing.

Do you like Bruno Duto? Can you see the little cat beside Oucha?

Pretty talented for a guy who paints with his fingers hey? Actually very talented, that is an original, though I could only afford it cos he painted it on a found object, that is an old kitchen cabinet door, and it had very rough edges and exposed chipboard, which I methodically painted around and over with many coats of paint to seal the wood and preserve it, and then I kinda stupidly mounted it on another piece of chipboard, so it now weighs a ton.

Ooh check those nails!

whooaa let’s slow it back a little…

Ok that is a lot of animation!

Oh my gawwwwd are you sick of this guy yet?

Let’s pull it back in, a Whiter Shade of Pale?

I might have chomped down half a raw baby capsicum from OzHarvest.

Bin, I’m Looking at YOU! (Don’t chuck it in the bin, GivIt to Bin!)

Actually, can you guess? Yes, you got it, my mistake, it was a ghost chilli!!

Look, it even bleached my hair out!

OK, I think I have desensitized you enough, no more warnings!

Oh wait, I promised more hair and, ah, skin!!!!

You must be feeling relief by now, I bet! (Phew, not too much skin)
OK, now the really hard stuff.

Be warned!

Now the sequence can be a bit erratic, as studies are still in progress.

Oh wait, I haven’t told you yet what it is about…

Breaching the Human-Animal Barrier – Covid 19u

You have all heard about people beginning to look like their animals?

Well, there is emerging data you may find if you trawl the dark web deep enough that due to the covid virus running rampant, and its interactions with people who have had a certain vaccine or combination of vaccines, this has become not just an internet joke, but in very geographically isolated low-density population centres, mutations have occurred unable to be explained by previous scientific theories…

We do know of course that Covid crossed the human-animal barrier, but it seems more has happened, and it may cross back and forth; and it repeats in certain conditions with people who have prolonged contact with certain animals, with certain other risk factors and some very confusing vectors.

As there have only been isolated areas and few cases so far most have been suppressed, but certain people have leaked images and extrapolations of cases.

This is where it gets harder, no going back;
not once you have seen the following!

There have not yet been leaks of details around genetics, not that I could find anyway, and whether there might be changes in DNA, I think from my knowledge if there are any heritable characteristics it is more likely to be EpiGenetic in nature.

Oh, and the Anthropomorphic nature previously hinted at, well, one vector noted is extremely rare and also particularly confounding at many levels.

Almost all cases so far the animal – human cross ah pollinating vector is that the …

this is just too absurd for words, I can’t believe it myself, as a person of science *AND* someone with a spiritual faith who believes in an infinite universe there are infinite possibilities.

The eXtra-(literally(literally))-ordinary risk factor?

People whose pets have the same name as themselves!

PetroMorphism Warning!

So Parents, take note, don’t let your kids name their pets after themselves, whatever you do!

And if you live in an isolated area with a low population and low natural genetic diversity, like deepest darkest Papua New Guinea, or deep in any jungle, or in Greenland etc, maybe don’t have pets at all.

WereCats up the Wazoo

Unless you want to start the were-cat & dog Revolution!

59 thoughts on “Shocking New Study reveals

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